Table of Contents
OpenVMS Resources
PARSEC Tech Support
README.FIRST -- Hints on Cut-&-Pasting Text From This Wiki
How To Initiate a PARSEC Tech Support Call
OpenVMS Freeware Archive
Using a SAN with OpenVMS
VMS System Crashes
My System Just Crashed -- Now What
How To Capture a VMS Crash Dump
How To Send a VMS Crash Dump to PARSEC for Analysis
How Can I Check When My System Last Crashed
VMS System Performance
Gathering VMS Performance Data with T4 and Friends
Digital Technical Journals online
Directory Performance
Resource Wait Process States
System Management - What does a Process in a RWBRK State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWCAP State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWCLU State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWCSV State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWIMG State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWMBX State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWMPB State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWMPE State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWNPG State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWPFF State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWQUO State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWSCS State Generally Mean
System Management - What does a Process in a RWSWP State Generally Mean
DCL and Commands
Intro To The DCL Command Line
Getting Help
DCL Error Messages
Logical Names
DCL Symbols
Command File Parameters P1..P8
Global and Local Symbol Assignment
Symbol Substitution
DCL Lexical Functions
Catalog of DCL Lexical Functions
Literal Quotes in DCL Strings
Anatomy of Your LOGIN.COM Script
Tracking Batch Jobs
Why is OpenVMS Base Time Set to 17-NOV-1858
PARSEC_AUTOGEN.COM and a Sample Execution
Why did Time Change in the Wrong Month
What is a uForthnight
How to translate an error message via MESSAGE.COM
Capture and Review VMS Boot Startup Scripts
Rollover VMS Logfiles
Capture DCL Command Output in a File and On-Screen Simultaneously
Clear Your Terminal Screen
Add Color to Your Terminal Text
Fun with Pipes
Use LDAnn Logical Disks
Build a VMS chroot jail
Find the Filename when all you have is the File ID
Determine what your AUTO_ACTION parameter is set to on the Alpha console from the live system
What are the Various Options for Backing Up OpenVMS Data
Account Security - A History and Recommendations
Basic Types of File Access
Is OpenVMS Vulnerable to CVE-2017-17482, the DCL CDU Issue
Is OpenVMS Vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228, the Apache Log4shell Vulnerability
DECnet-Plus - What does CSMACD mean
TCPIP NFS - How large of a file can my NFS server or client handle
TCPIP Services for OpenVMS - How to display the fingerprint of an SSH key
SDA - How to Read in Additional sys$loadable Images not Found in Standard Locations
SDA - What are the Invalid Page Table Entry Formats in OpenVMS
SDA - How do I Find Who is Trying to Allocate or Deallocate NonPaged Pool
SDA - How do I Display a Table of Quadword Addresses and have SDA Translate them as Symbols