How To Have Fun With Pipes
Here are some DCL command aliases that use the PIPE
command and construct, just as examples:
Filter through SHOW SYSTEM displays:
$ show symbol ssystem SSYS*TEM == "PIPE SHOW SYSTEM | SEARCH sys$pipe " $ $ ssys jones %SEARCH-I-NOMATCHES, no strings matched ! user jones is not logged-in, and no batch jobs $ $ ssys net ! two network processes 2020011E NETACP HIB 10 48 0 00:00:00.01 162 254 20200140 TCPIP$INETACP HIB 9 38074 0 00:00:05.57 527 474 $ $ ssys osm ! is OSM running? yes... 20200160 OSM HIB 5 58627 0 00:00:08.80 704 312 20200162 OSM_TRANSPORT HIB 6 1429 0 00:00:03.77 1128 769 $ $ ssys "cur " ! CURrent (running on a CPU) processes 20204138 LRICKER_53227 CUR 1 4 297 0 00:00:00.01 255 258 S 20204139 LRICKER_29978 CUR 0 5 295 0 00:00:00.01 246 242 S 20208FB5 DFG$1_CLASS8 CUR 1 2 459266 0 00:32:59.05 6689 3716
Filter through SHOW QUEUE /BATCH /ALL /FULL displays (one of VMS's most messy formatted outputs):
SYSA$ show symbol chkbatch CHKBAT*CH == "PIPE show queue /batch /all | SEARCH sys$pipe /WINDOW=(0,2)" $ SYSA$ chkbat boot 126 SCHED_REBOOT SYSTEM Holding until 29-JUN-2018 02:00:00.00 SYSB$ chkbat boot,back 694 DAILY_BACKUP SYSTEM Holding until 7-JUN-2018 20:30:00.00 *************** 255 WEEKLY_BACKUP SYSTEM Holding until 9-JUN-2018 06:00:00.00 *************** 223 SCHED_REBOOT SYSTEM Holding until 29-JUN-2018 02:00:00.00
Filter for stopped or stalled (and/or other states) batch/printer queues:
$ show symbol qfind QFIND == "PIPE SHOW QUEUE /ALL | SEARCH sys$pipe /HIGHLIGHT=UNDERLINE" CLASS8$ qfind stalled,stopped Batch queue ABS$CLASS8, stopped, on CLASS8:: Batch queue CLASS3$BATCH, stopped, on CLASS3:: Batch queue CLASS8_BATCH, stopped, autostart inactive, on CLASS8:: Printer queue HPLJ4000, stalled, autostart inactive, on CLASS8::"", mounted form DEFAULT Printer queue HPLJ4000D, stopped, on CLASS8::"serial/TTB0", mounted form DCPS$DEFAULT (stock=DEFAULT) Printer queue HPT, stopped, on CLASS8::, mounted form DEFAULT Batch queue JOKER$BATCH, stopped, on JOKER:: Printer queue MU_PGPRINT, stopped, on CLASS3::NLP1:, mounted form DEFAULT Batch queue T4_BATCH_CLASS3, stopped, autostart, on CLASS3::
Show system or cluster uptime:
$ show symbol uptime UPT*IME == "PIPE uptm$ = F$DELTA_TIME( F$GETSYI("BOOTTIME"), F$TIME(), "ASCTIM" ) ; WRITE sys$output uptm$" $ $ uptime 0 21:05:41.55 $ $ show symbol cluptime CLUPT*IME == "PIPE SHOW SYSTEM /CLUSTER/NOPROCESS /FULL | SEARCH /WINDOW=(0,2) sys$pipe uptime" $ $ cluptime OpenVMS V8.4 on node CLASS8 4-OCT-2018 09:19:52.50 Uptime 0 21:06:13 HP rx2600 (1.40GHz/1.5MB)
Filters for layered software products installed:
$ show symbol shoproduct SHOPRO*DUCT == "PIPE PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT | SEARCH sys$pipe " $ show symbol shohistory SHOHIS*TORY == "PIPE PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY | SEARCH sys$pipe " $ $ shoproduct pascal ! PASCAL compiler installed? %SEARCH-I-NOMATCHES, no strings matched ! ...nope $ shoproduct " c " ! C compiler? ...yup HP I64VMS C X7.3-289 Full LP Installed $ shohistory " c " ! when installed? HP I64VMS C X7.3-289 Full LP Install Val 15-JAN-2014 HP I64VMS C X7.3-289 Full LP Install Val 13-OCT-2011 HP I64VMS C V7.3-19 Full LP Remove - 13-OCT-2011 HP I64VMS C V7.3-19 Full LP Install Val 13-OCT-2011
How is networking configured?
$ show symbol netinfo NETIN*FO == "PIPE show net /full | SEARCH sys$pipe decnet,dna,version" $ netinfo Product: DECNET Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard Company Identification = HP DECnet for OpenVMS I64 Management version = V4.0.0 NSP version = V4.1.0 Routing version = V2.0.0 Network Type: DNA IV Interface(s): net 0 HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Version V5.7 - ECO 5
Add Your Own Ideas for Pipes
These should give you some ideas for pipe-commands of your own.
howto/fun_with_pipes.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/07 15:52 by mmacgregor