Our support folks run a secure FTP (SFTP) server at the following address ftp.parsec.com on port 22 (standard default port) which can be used to send us support files like logs, diagnostic output, or support bundles. You can use the SFTP command line tool in either OpenVMS or on Unix systems. The server is a closed system that requires an account. Please contact your support representative to get your account information. If you need a handy SFTP client for Microsoft Windows try WinSCP or FileZilla which is also available for MacOS, and Linux.
Example Session
Here is an example of using the command line sftp client. This example should work in both Unix and OpenVMS environments.
$ sftp acmecorp@ftp.parsec.com acmecorp@ftp.parsec.com's password: ******** #---------------------------------------------- # Welcome to PARSEC's FTP service for Clients! # You will be "trapped" in a chrooted directory # That means you can simply upload files here # without worrying about where to put them or # making sub-directories. #---------------------------------------------- Connected to ftp.parsec.com. sftp> ls archive case_7208.tar.lrz static-list.txt sftp> mput diagnostic-logs.zip Uploading diagnostic-logs.zip to /diagnostic-logs.zip diagnostic-logs.zip 100% 4611KB 1.5MB/s 00:03 sftp> quit
ftp_server.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/17 22:41 by sgriggs