 : -------------------------------------------------------6 SAP01C: A d d i t i o n a l I n f o r m a t i o n: -------------------------------------------------------  $ == SAP23 $ TCPIP SHOW SERVICE == RFINGER 79 TCP TCPIP$FINGER DisabledQFTP 21 TCP TCPIP$FTP EnabledRLPD 515 TCP TCPIP$LPD DisabledRNTP 123 UDP TCPIP$NTP DisabledQPOP 110 TCP TCPIP$POP Enabled-QPORTMAPPER 111 TCP,UDP TCPIP$PORTM EnabledRRRDBSERVER 611 TCP RDB80 DisabledQREXEC 512 TCP TCPIP$REXEC Enabled QRLOGIN 513 TCP not defined Enabled QRSH 514 TCP TCPIP$RSH Enabled QSMTP 25 TCP TCPIP$SMTP Enabled QTELNET 23 TCP not defined Enabled QTFTP 69 UDP TCPIP$TFTP Enabled  l$ == SAP01 $ TCPIP SHOW SERVICE == RBIND 53 TCP,UDP UCX$BIND DisabledRBOOTP 67 UDP UCX$BOOTP DisabledRESNMP 705 UDP ESNMP DisabledRFINGER 79 TCP TCPIP$FINGER DisabledQFTP 21 TCP TCPIP$FTP Enabled RFTSO 1995 TCP UCX$FTSOD DisabledQIMAP 143 TCP TCPIP$IMAP Enabled QLPD 515 TCP TCPIP$LPD Enabled RMOUNT 10 TCP,UDP TCPIP$MOUNTD DisabledRNFS 2049 UDP TCPIP$NFS DisabledQNTP 123 UDP TCPIP$NTP Enabled RPCNFS 5151 TCP,UDP TCPIP$PCNFSD DisabledQPOP 110 TCP TCPIP$POP Enabled QPORTMAPPER 111 TCP,UDP TCPIP$PORTM Enabled QRDBSERVER 1 TCP RDB Enabled QREXEC 512 TCP TCPIP$REXEC Enabled QRLOGIN 513 TCP not defined Enabled QRSH 514 TCP TCPIP$RSH Enabled QSMTP 25 TCP TCPIP$SMTP Enabled RSNMP 161 UDP TCPIP$SNMP DisabledQSSH 22 TCP TCPIP$SSH Enabled QTELNET 23 TCP not defined Enabled RTFTP 69 UDP UCX$TFTP DisabledQXDM 177 UDP TCPIP$XDM Enabled  eF == SAP01 $ MCR LATCP SHOW NODE | SHOW NODE /STATUS | SHOW PORTS == LNode Name: SAP01 LAT Protocol Version: 5.3 Node State: On Node Ident: - SAP01 -SLIncoming Connections: Enabled Incoming Session Limit: NoneLOutgoing Connections: Enabled Outgoing Session Limit: NoneLService Responder: Disabled Announcements: EnabledLCircuit Timer (msec): 80 Keepalive Timer (sec): 20LRetransmit Limit (msg): 120 Node Limit (nodes): NoneLMulticast Timer (sec): 60 CPU Rating: 0LMaximum Unit Number: 9999 Extra Datalink Buffers: 9LQueue Limit: 24 Forward Session Limit: 16User Groups: 0, 200tService Groups: 0, 200eService Classes: 1, 3-4 5Service Name Status Rating Identification 1SAP01 Available 27 D - SAP01 -02SAP01C Available 27 D - SAP01C -LNode Name: SAP01 LAT Protocol Version: 5.3 Node State: On Node Ident: - SAP01 - 8 Current Highest Maximum8 ------- ------- -------8Active Circuits: 0 0 10238Connected Sessions: 0 0 2608658Incoming Queue Entries: 0 0 248Outgoing Queue Entries: 0 0 327678Unprocessed Announcements: 0 1 5008Unprocessed Solicits: 0 0 2508Local Services: 2 2 2558Available Services: 24 24 N/A8Reachable Nodes: 4 4 N/A$Discarded Nodes: 0JPort Name Port Type Status Remote Target (Node/Port/Service)R--------- ----------- ------------- -----------------------------------------+_LTA2: Fwd. (NonQ) Inactive //0:_LTA197: Fwd. (NonQ) Inactive LATCP$MGMT_PORT// F == SAP23 $ MCR LATCP SHOW NODE | SHOW NODE /STATUS | SHOW PORTS == LNode Name: SAP23 LAT Protocol Version: 5.3 Node State: On Node Ident: - SAP23 - LIncoming Connections: Enabled Incoming Session Limit: NoneLOutgoing Connections: Enabled Outgoing Session Limit: NoneLService Responder: Disabled Announcements: EnabledLCircuit Timer (msec): 80 Keepalive Timer (sec): 20LRetransmit Limit (msg): 120 Node Limit (nodes): NoneLMulticast Timer (sec): 60 CPU Rating: 0LMaximum Unit Number: 9999 Extra Datalink Buffers: 9LQueue Limit: 24 Forward Session Limit: 16User Groups: 0, 200, 210Service Groups: 0, 210 Service Classes: 15Service Name Status Rating Identification)1SAP23 Available 32 D - SAP23 - LNode Name: SAP23 LAT Protocol Version: 5.3 Node State: On Node Ident: - SAP23 - 8 Current Highest Maximum8 ------- ------- -------8Active Circuits: 0 0 10238Connected Sessions: 0 0 2608658Incoming Queue Entries: 0 0 248Outgoing Queue Entries: 0 0 327678Unprocessed Announcements: 0 18 5008Unprocessed Solicits: 0 1 2508Local Services: 1 1 2558Available Services: 26 26 N/A8Reachable Nodes: 6 6 N/A$Discarded Nodes: 0JPort Name Port Type Status Remote Target (Node/Port/Service)R--------- ----------- ------------- -----------------------------------------:_LTA246: Fwd. (NonQ) Inactive LATCP$MGMT_PORT//:_LTA247: Fwd. (NonQ) Inactive LATCP$MGMT_PORT// " == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DSA0: == IDisk DSA0:, device type RF72, is online, mounted, file-oriented device,P shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, device supports" bitmaps (no bitmaps active).Q Error count 0 Operations completed 742118-Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]nQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WPQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512eQ Total blocks 8380008 Sectors per track 113tQ Total cylinders 3708 Tracks per cylinder 20iQ Logical Volume Size 8380008 Expansion Size Limit 8589312 Q Volume label "VAX_SYSTEM" Relative volume number 0TQ Cluster size 9 Transaction count 1:Q Free blocks 5232186 Maximum files allowed 419000 Q Extend quantity 90 Mount count 2 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 5232189Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, do not unload onF dismount, file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled.$ Volume is also mounted on SAP23.LDisk $1$DIA1110:, device type RF72, is online, member of shadow set DSA0:,R shadow set virtual unit, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 421772 Q Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 0,Q Host name "HSD01" Host type, avail RF72, yes Q Alternate host name "SAP23" Alt. type, avail VAX 4000-105A, yesi& Allocation class 1LDisk $1$DIA1210:, device type RF72, is online, member of shadow set DSA0:,R shadow set virtual unit, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 421745aQ Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 0tQ Host name "HSD02" Host type, avail RF72, yestQ Alternate host name "SAP23" Alt. type, avail VAX 4000-105A, yesi& Allocation class 1 e" == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DSA1: == QDisk DSA1:, device type DEC RZ1EF-CB, is online, mounted, file-oriented device,P shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, device supports" bitmaps (no bitmaps active).Q Error count 0 Operations completed 10403604SQ Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]AQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W Q Reference count 1369 Default buffer size 512EQ Total blocks 35565080 Sectors per track 254tQ Total cylinders 7001 Tracks per cylinder 20iQ Logical Volume Size 35565080 Expansion Size Limit 21475491841Q Volume label "AXP_SYSTEM" Relative volume number 0TQ Cluster size 9 Transaction count 889:Q Free blocks 25316379 Maximum files allowed 1777352 Q Extend quantity 90 Mount count 2 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 25316379Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 10179 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onO dismount, protected subsystems enabled, file high-water marking, write-cJ through caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled.$ Volume is also mounted on SAP23.LDisk $1$DKE300:, device type DEC RZ1EF-CB, is online, member of shadow setI DSA1:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled. Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 4860793 Q Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1m& Allocation class 1LDisk $1$DKF300:, device type DEC RZ1EF-CB, is online, member of shadow setI DSA1:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.$Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 4858403 Q Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1 & Allocation class 1 " == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DSA2: == NDisk DSA2:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-orientedO device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, deviceo+ supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).vQ Error count 0 Operations completed 11430594 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM] Q Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WQ Reference count 135 Default buffer size 512 Q Total blocks 17773524 Sectors per track 168 Q Total cylinders 5290 Tracks per cylinder 20vQ Logical Volume Size 17773524 Expansion Size Limit 178790401Q Volume label "CNC_DISK" Relative volume number 0TQ Cluster size 9 Transaction count 169:Q Free blocks 10020924 Maximum files allowed 1777352 Q Extend quantity 90 Mount count 2 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 10020929Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 52452 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onM dismount, file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled, accesst* dates enabled, hard links enabled.$ Volume is also mounted on SAP23.LDisk $1$DKB400:, device type DEC RZ1DB-CA, is online, member of shadow setI DSA2:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.rQ Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 9775652WQ Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1i& Allocation class 1LDisk $1$DKD400:, device type DEC RZ1DB-CA, is online, member of shadow setI DSA2:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.$Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 9775411 Q Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1 & Allocation class 1 " == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DSA3: == NDisk DSA3:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-orientedO device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, deviceo+ supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).vQ Error count 0 Operations completed 6556702 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM] Q Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WQ Reference count 38 Default buffer size 512 Q Total blocks 35565080 Sectors per track 254 Q Total cylinders 7001 Tracks per cylinder 20vQ Logical Volume Size 35565080 Expansion Size Limit 2147549184 Q Volume label "USER" Relative volume number 0TQ Cluster size 9 Transaction count 36:Q Free blocks 21836547 Maximum files allowed 250000 Q Extend quantity 90 Mount count 2 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 21836549Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 1171773 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled.$ Volume is also mounted on SAP23.LDisk $1$DKE100:, device type DEC RZ1EF-CB, is online, member of shadow setI DSA3:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.0Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 5665506 Q Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1s& Allocation class 1LDisk $1$DKF100:, device type DEC RZ1EF-CB, is online, member of shadow setI DSA3:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.$Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 5666531 Q Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1 & Allocation class 1 " == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DSA9: == NDisk DSA9:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-orientedO device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, deviceo+ supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).vQ Error count 0 Operations completed 3675466 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM] Q Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WQ Reference count 111 Default buffer size 512 Q Total blocks 71132000 Sectors per track 254 Q Total cylinders 14003 Tracks per cylinder 20vQ Logical Volume Size 71132000 Expansion Size Limit 72167424 Q Volume label "APPLICATION" Relative volume number 0TQ Cluster size 21 Transaction count 120:Q Free blocks 48046719 Maximum files allowed 1616636 Q Extend quantity 210 Mount count 2 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 48046717Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled.$ Volume is also mounted on SAP23.QDisk $1$DKE500:, device type COMPAQ BA03611C9B, is online, member of shadow set I DSA9:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled. Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 2538015]Q Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1t& Allocation class 1QDisk $1$DKF500:, device type COMPAQ BA03611C9B, is online, member of shadow set I DSA9:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.vQ Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 2540067uQ Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1 & Allocation class 1 1# == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DSA13: == ODisk DSA13:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-oriented O device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, devicea+ supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).MQ Error count 0 Operations completed 2330068hQ Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]aQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WQ Reference count 2 Default buffer size 512SQ Total blocks 71132000 Sectors per track 254 Q Total cylinders 14003 Tracks per cylinder 20vQ Logical Volume Size 71132000 Expansion Size Limit 131608576 Q Volume label "KITS" Relative volume number 0TQ Cluster size 127 Transaction count 26:Q Free blocks 14464792 Maximum files allowed 277859 Q Extend quantity 381 Mount count 2 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 14464798Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled.$ Volume is also mounted on SAP23.QDisk $1$DKB600:, device type COMPAQ BA03611C9B, is online, member of shadow set J DSA13:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 1586757]Q Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1t& Allocation class 1QDisk $1$DKD600:, device type COMPAQ BA03611C9B, is online, member of shadow set J DSA13:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 1585958lQ Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1 & Allocation class 1 5# == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DSA19: == ODisk DSA19:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-oriented O device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, devicea+ supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active). Q Error count 0 Operations completed 1180693hQ Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]aQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WQ Reference count 2 Default buffer size 512SQ Total blocks 71132000 Sectors per track 254 Q Total cylinders 14003 Tracks per cylinder 20vQ Logical Volume Size 71132000 Expansion Size Limit 71319552 Q Volume label "BAX_CL_1_1" Relative volume number 1TQ Cluster size 12 Transaction count 1:Q Free blocks 60095700 Maximum files allowed 2735846 Q Extend quantity 120 Mount count 2 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 60095709Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled.$ Volume is also mounted on SAP23.D Members of this volume set are DSA19: (rvn 1), DSA6000: (rvn 2).QDisk DSA6000:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-oriented0O device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, device + supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).WQ Error count 0 Operations completed 2434345 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]Q Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WsQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512SQ Total blocks 71132000 Sectors per track 254 Q Total cylinders 14003 Tracks per cylinder 20vQ Logical Volume Size 71132000 Expansion Size Limit 71319552 Q Volume label "BAX_CL_1_2" Relative volume number 2TQ Cluster size 12 Transaction count 2:Q Free blocks 53835072 Maximum files allowed 250000 Q Extend quantity 120 Mount count 2 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 53835079Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 4623888 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled.$ Volume is also mounted on SAP23.D Members of this volume set are DSA19: (rvn 1), DSA6000: (rvn 2).ODisk $1$DKB0:, device type COMPAQ BD036635C5, is online, member of shadow set L DSA6000:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 2435191 Q Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1k& Allocation class 1QDisk $1$DKB200:, device type COMPAQ BA03611C9B, is online, member of shadow set J DSA19:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 1181597lQ Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1 & Allocation class 1 9# == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DSA20: == ODisk DSA20:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-oriented O device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, devicea+ supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active). Q Error count 0 Operations completed 2715411hQ Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]aQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WQ Reference count 17 Default buffer size 512SQ Total blocks 71132000 Sectors per track 254 Q Total cylinders 14003 Tracks per cylinder 20vQ Logical Volume Size 71132000 Expansion Size Limit 71319552 Q Volume label "BAX_CL_2_1" Relative volume number 1TQ Cluster size 12 Transaction count 14:Q Free blocks 53898660 Maximum files allowed 2735846 Q Extend quantity 120 Mount count 2 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 53898669Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 105540 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled.$ Volume is also mounted on SAP23.D Members of this volume set are DSA20: (rvn 1), DSA6001: (rvn 2).QDisk DSA6001:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-oriented0O device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, device + supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).WQ Error count 0 Operations completed 2664859 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]Q Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WsQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512SQ Total blocks 71132000 Sectors per track 254 Q Total cylinders 14003 Tracks per cylinder 20vQ Logical Volume Size 71132000 Expansion Size Limit 71319552 Q Volume label "BAX_CL_2_2" Relative volume number 2TQ Cluster size 12 Transaction count 3:Q Free blocks 49556568 Maximum files allowed 250000 Q Extend quantity 120 Mount count 2 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 49556569Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled.$ Volume is also mounted on SAP23.D Members of this volume set are DSA20: (rvn 1), DSA6001: (rvn 2).ODisk $1$DKD0:, device type COMPAQ BD036635C5, is online, member of shadow set L DSA6001:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 2726503 Q Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1k& Allocation class 1QDisk $1$DKD200:, device type COMPAQ BD036635C5, is online, member of shadow set J DSA20:, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 2802404lQ Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1 & Allocation class 1 0' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA100: == 0ODisk $1$LDA100: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted,J software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 219 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]nQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WaQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 1251192 Sectors per track 33Q Total cylinders 1149 Tracks per cylinder 33sQ Logical Volume Size 1250000 Expansion Size Limit 1277952 & Allocation class 1Q Volume label "AXPDOCSEP041" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1 Q Free blocks 310290 Maximum files allowed 1562505Q Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE"5Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 31029 Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 ( Volume owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]Q Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, do not unload onF dismount, file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled. ' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA101: == cODisk $1$LDA101: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted, J software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 235 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]tQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WwQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 1251192 Sectors per track 33Q Total cylinders 1149 Tracks per cylinder 33sQ Logical Volume Size 1250000 Expansion Size Limit 1277952 & Allocation class 1Q Volume label "AXPDOCSEP042" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1 Q Free blocks 12048 Maximum files allowed 1562505Q Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE"5Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 1204 Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 ( Volume owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]Q Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, do not unload onF dismount, file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled. ' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA102: == cODisk $1$LDA102: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted, J software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 202 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]tQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WwQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 1251192 Sectors per track 33Q Total cylinders 1149 Tracks per cylinder 33sQ Logical Volume Size 1250000 Expansion Size Limit 1277952 & Allocation class 1Q Volume label "AXPDOCSEP043" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1 Q Free blocks 695235 Maximum files allowed 1562505Q Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE"5Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 69523 Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 ( Volume owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]Q Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, do not unload onF dismount, file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled. ' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA103: == cODisk $1$LDA103: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted, J software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 263 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]tQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WwQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 1100000 Sectors per track 32Q Total cylinders 1075 Tracks per cylinder 32sQ Logical Volume Size 1100000 Expansion Size Limit 1130496 & Allocation class 1Q Volume label "VMSDOC0732" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1 Q Free blocks 74148 Maximum files allowed 1562500Q Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE"0Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 7414 Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 ( Volume owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]Q Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, do not unload onF dismount, file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled. ' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA104: == cODisk $1$LDA104: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted, J software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 332 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]tQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WwQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 2230000 Sectors per track 38Q Total cylinders 1505 Tracks per cylinder 39sQ Logical Volume Size 2230000 Expansion Size Limit 2236416 & Allocation class 1Q Volume label "FREEWARE50" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1 Q Free blocks 77775 Maximum files allowed 2787503Q Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE"3Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 7777 Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, do not unload onF dismount, file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled. D' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA106: == ODisk $1$LDA106: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted, J software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 238 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]tQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WwQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 1500000 Sectors per track 35Q Total cylinders 1261 Tracks per cylinder 34sQ Logical Volume Size 1500000 Expansion Size Limit 1503232 & Allocation class 1Q Volume label "FREEWARE60" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 1 Transaction count 1 Q Free blocks 43844 Maximum files allowed 3750000Q Extend quantity 3 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE"0Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 4384 Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, do not unload on- dismount, write-back caching enabled.y a' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA107: == ODisk $1$LDA107: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted, J software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 3427nQ Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]SQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WrQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 3000000 Sectors per track 41Q Total cylinders 1743 Tracks per cylinder 42sQ Logical Volume Size 3000000 Expansion Size Limit 3010560 & Allocation class 1Q Volume label "FREEWARE70" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1 Q Free blocks 58815 Maximum files allowed 2500000Q Extend quantity 32 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE"0Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 5881 Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled. e' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA108: == lODisk $1$LDA108: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted,xJ software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 286CQ Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]nQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WaQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 1200000 Sectors per track 33Q Total cylinders 1102 Tracks per cylinder 33sQ Logical Volume Size 1200000 Expansion Size Limit 1204224 & Allocation class 1Q Volume label "ALPHA082" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1 Q Free blocks 92706 Maximum files allowed 1500000Q Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE"0Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 9270 Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, do not unload onF dismount, file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled. D' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA109: == ODisk $1$LDA109: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted, J software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 7360 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]tQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WwQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 1000000 Sectors per track 32Q Total cylinders 1009 Tracks per cylinder 31sQ Logical Volume Size 1000000 Expansion Size Limit 1019904 & Allocation class 1Q Volume label "VMSDOC082" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1 Q Free blocks 70647 Maximum files allowed 1562500Q Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE"0Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 7064 Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 ( Volume owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]Q Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, do not unload onF dismount, file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled. ' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA110: == cODisk $1$LDA110: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted, J software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 718 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]tQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WwQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 1300000 Sectors per track 33Q Total cylinders 1159 Tracks per cylinder 34sQ Logical Volume Size 1300000 Expansion Size Limit 1302528 & Allocation class 1Q Volume label "OVMS-BSOL-05" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 1 Transaction count 1 Q Free blocks 12728 Maximum files allowed 3250000Q Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE"0Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 1272 Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, do not unload onF dismount, file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled. D' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA111: == ODisk $1$LDA111: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted, J software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 192 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [DEFAULT,SYSTEM]tQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WwQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 750000 Sectors per track 29Q Total cylinders 892 Tracks per cylinder 29sQ Logical Volume Size 750000 Expansion Size Limit 761856 & Allocation class 1Q Volume label "ALP082LP" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1 Q Free blocks 128256 Maximum files allowed 937505Q Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA1:XQPCACHE"5Q Extent cache size 500 Maximum blocks in extent cache 12825 Q File ID cache size 500 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 4038 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, do not unload onF dismount, file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled. D' == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _$1$LDA112: == ODisk $1$LDA112: (SAP01), device type Foreign disk type 1, is online, mounted, J software write-locked, file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 674 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [0,0]tQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WwQ Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512Q Total blocks 1500000 Sectors per track 35Q Total cylinders 1261 Tracks per cylinder 34s& Allocation class 1Q Volume label "AXPDOCMAR05" Relative volume number 1 Q Cluster size 0 Transaction count 10Q Free blocks 0 Maximum files allowed 0 Q Extend quantity 0 Mount count 10Q Mount status System ACP process name "LDA112CACP" 8 Volume Status: ISO 9660, do not unload on dismount.6 Members of this volume set are $1$LDA112: (rvn 1).