 : -------------------------------------------------------5 PPS01: A d d i t i o n a l I n f o r m a t i o n: -------------------------------------------------------  $ == PPS01 $ TCPIP SHOW SERVICE == RESNMP 242 UDP ESNMP DisabledRFINGER 79 TCP TCPIP$FINGER DisabledQFTP 21 TCP TCPIP$FTP EnabledQIMAP 143 TCP TCPIP$IMAP Enabled-QLPD 515 TCP TCPIP$LPD Enabled-QNTP 123 UDP TCPIP$NTP EnabledRQPOP 110 TCP TCPIP$POP Enabled QPORTMAPPER 111 TCP,UDP TCPIP$PORTM Enabled QREXEC 512 TCP TCPIP$REXEC Enabled QRLOGIN 513 TCP not defined Enabled QRSH 514 TCP TCPIP$RSH Enabled QSMTP 25 TCP TCPIP$SMTP Enabled RSNMP 161 UDP TCPIP$SNMP DisabledQSSH 22 TCP TCPIP$SSH Enabled QTELNET 23 TCP not defined Enabled  eF == PPS01 $ MCR LATCP SHOW NODE | SHOW NODE /STATUS | SHOW PORTS == LNode Name: PPS01 LAT Protocol Version: 5.3 Node State: On Node Ident: - PPS01 -SLIncoming Connections: Enabled Incoming Session Limit: NoneLOutgoing Connections: Enabled Outgoing Session Limit: NoneLService Responder: Disabled Announcements: EnabledLCircuit Timer (msec): 80 Keepalive Timer (sec): 20LRetransmit Limit (msg): 120 Node Limit (nodes): NoneLMulticast Timer (sec): 60 CPU Rating: 0LMaximum Unit Number: 9999 Extra Datalink Buffers: 9LQueue Limit: 24 Forward Session Limit: 16User Groups: 0, 207tService Groups: 0, 207eService Classes: 1, 3-4 5Service Name Status Rating Identification 1PPS01 Available 34 D - PPS01 -0LNode Name: PPS01 LAT Protocol Version: 5.3 Node State: On Node Ident: - PPS01 - 8 Current Highest Maximum8 ------- ------- -------8Active Circuits: 0 0 10238Connected Sessions: 0 0 2608658Incoming Queue Entries: 0 0 248Outgoing Queue Entries: 0 0 327678Unprocessed Announcements: 0 0 5008Unprocessed Solicits: 0 0 2508Local Services: 1 1 2558Available Services: 1 1 N/A8Reachable Nodes: 1 1 N/A$Discarded Nodes: 0JPort Name Port Type Status Remote Target (Node/Port/Service)R--------- ----------- ------------- -----------------------------------------+_LTA2: Fwd. (NonQ) Inactive //0:_LTA40: Fwd. (NonQ) Inactive LATCP$MGMT_PORT//:_LTA41: Fwd. (NonQ) Inactive LATCP$MGMT_PORT// 1" == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DSA0: == QDisk DSA0:, device type DEC RZ1DF-AB, is online, mounted, file-oriented device,NP shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, device supports" bitmaps (no bitmaps active).Q Error count 0 Operations completed 12082053-Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]cQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WOQ Reference count 785 Default buffer size 512EQ Total blocks 17773524 Sectors per track 168tQ Total cylinders 5290 Tracks per cylinder 20iQ Logical Volume Size 17773524 Expansion Size Limit 178790401Q Volume label "ALPHA_SYSTEM" Relative volume number 0TQ Cluster size 9 Transaction count 750:Q Free blocks 7071390 Maximum files allowed 150000 Q Extend quantity 90 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA0:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 3535699Q File ID cache size 64 Blocks in extent cache 3429 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 2945 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onO dismount, protected subsystems enabled, file high-water marking, write-cJ through caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled.QDisk $1$DKB0:, device type DEC RZ1DF-AB, is online, member of shadow set DSA0:,P error logging is enabled..Q Error count 1 Shadow member operation count 6337462r& Allocation class 1QDisk $1$DKC0:, device type DEC RZ1DF-AB, is online, member of shadow set DSA0:,  error logging is enabled.tQ Error count 4 Shadow member operation count 6335496n& Allocation class 1 e" == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DSA1: == NDisk DSA1:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-orientedO device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, device + supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active). Q Error count 0 Operations completed 14443808AQ Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM] Q Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WQ Reference count 100 Default buffer size 512 Q Total blocks 17773524 Sectors per track 168 Q Total cylinders 5290 Tracks per cylinder 20vQ Logical Volume Size 17773524 Expansion Size Limit 178790401Q Volume label "DATEN" Relative volume number 0TQ Cluster size 9 Transaction count 102:Q Free blocks 7466184 Maximum files allowed 250000 Q Extend quantity 90 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA0:XQPCACHE" Q Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 3733099Q File ID cache size 64 Blocks in extent cache 365103 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 2945 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled.QDisk $1$DKB100:, device type COMPAQ BD009122BA, is online, member of shadow set & DSA1:, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 1 Shadow member operation count 9361069e& Allocation class 1QDisk $1$DKC100:, device type COMPAQ BD009122BA, is online, member of shadow set & DSA1:, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 1 Shadow member operation count 9360800t& Allocation class 1 i" == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DPA1: == RDisk DPA1: (PPS01), device type RAID0, is online, mounted, file-oriented device,@ shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 80450170 Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]gQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W Q Reference count 44 Default buffer size 512CQ Total blocks 284220952 Sectors per track 255,Q Total cylinders 4371 Tracks per cylinder 255bQ Logical Volume Size 284220952 Expansion Size Limit 2849996808& Allocation class 256Q Volume label "PC_DATEN" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 20 Transaction count 109 Q Free blocks 39608220 Maximum files allowed 15000002Q Extend quantity 200 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA0:XQPCACHE"2Q Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 1980411 Q File ID cache size 64 Blocks in extent cache 132360 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 2945 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled. e" == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DPA2: == RDisk DPA2: (PPS01), device type RAID0, is online, mounted, file-oriented device,@ shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 12531674,Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]eQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WaQ Reference count 5 Default buffer size 512CQ Total blocks 35508232 Sectors per track 255,Q Total cylinders 547 Tracks per cylinder 255bQ Logical Volume Size 35508232 Expansion Size Limit 359628801& Allocation class 256Q Volume label "PC_DATEN2" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 20 Transaction count 6 Q Free blocks 10991100 Maximum files allowed 7500000Q Extend quantity 200 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA0:XQPCACHE"0Q Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 549555 Q File ID cache size 64 Blocks in extent cache 6840 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 2945 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled. e" == SHOW DEVICE /FULL _DPA3: == RDisk DPA3: (PPS01), device type RAID0, is online, mounted, file-oriented device,@ shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled.Q Error count 0 Operations completed 80755739,Q Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]eQ Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WaQ Reference count 8 Default buffer size 512CQ Total blocks 213177952 Sectors per track 255,Q Total cylinders 3279 Tracks per cylinder 255bQ Logical Volume Size 213177952 Expansion Size Limit 2145484808& Allocation class 256Q Volume label "PC_DATEN3" Relative volume number 00Q Cluster size 20 Transaction count 8 Q Free blocks 5906100 Maximum files allowed 5000007Q Extend quantity 200 Mount count 1 Q Mount status System Cache name "_DSA0:XQPCACHE"7Q Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 295305 Q File ID cache size 64 Blocks in extent cache 0 Q Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 2945 Q Min ret. period 7-00:00:00.00 Max ret. period 14-00:00:00.00 Q Volume owner UIC [1,1] Vol Prot S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD J Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, do not unload onN dismount, write-back caching enabled, access dates enabled, hard links enabled. e% == RAID SHOW PC_DATEN (_DPA1:) == i eKRAID Software for OpenVMS V2.6 Display Time: 23-FEB-2006 13:30:14.27 PCopyright 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. All Rights Reserved.  rRAID Array Parameters:  - Current RAID Array ID: PC_DATEN - Permanent RAID Array ID: PC_DATEN S< Date Created: 15-FEB-2002 11:41:56.20 < Last Bind: 9-JAN-2006 08:36:00.78 ( RAID Level: 0+1 + Current State: NORMAL  P Characteristic Size: 71091338 Total Capacity: 284220952 P Member Count: 4 Chunk Size: 120 P Pool in Use: 68480 Max Pool Value: 0 P Pages in Use: 0 Max Page Value: 0  5RAID Array Configuration:  aH Member ShadowSet ShadowSet F Index Name State Members State H ----- ------ ----- --------- --------- I 0 _DSA6000: NORMAL 2 SteadyState  _$1$DKE0:  _$1$DKF0: I 1 _DSA6001: NORMAL 2 SteadyState  _$1$DKE100:  _$1$DKF100: iI 2 _DSA6002: NORMAL 2 SteadyState  _$1$DKE200: N _$1$DKF200: I 3 _DSA6003: NORMAL 2 SteadyState - _$1$DKE300:  _$1$DKF300:  RAID Array Operations:   Member :G Index Name Reads Writes Errors LG ----- ---- ----- ------ ------ G 0 _DSA6000: 20002456 5271707 0 G 1 _DSA6001: 19961249 5187971 0 G 2 _DSA6002: 19986543 5138994 0 G 3 _DSA6003: 20022670 5367993 0 D :G Member Total: 79972918 20966665 0 e  Virtual H Unit Size Status Reads Writes Errors H ------- ------ -------- ----- ------ ------ H DPA0001: 284220952 ACCESS 65584814 15217211 0  44 Histogram of I/O sizes, Virtual Unit DPA0001:  M Blocks/IO Reads Writes Total M --------- ----- ------ ----- M 1 35565243 6648627 42213870 SM 2 600943 11322 612265 M 4 308826 15609 324435 SM 8 474733 64489 539222 zM 16 6390672 3029247 9419919 M 32 16620305 155220 16775525 M 64 5595012 5292696 10887708 M 128 45 0 45 M 256 29007 1 29008 M 512 0 0 0 M more than 512 28 0 28  & == RAID SHOW PC_DATEN2 (_DPA2:) ==  KRAID Software for OpenVMS V2.6 Display Time: 23-FEB-2006 13:30:14.72 6PCopyright 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. All Rights Reserved.  RAID Array Parameters:  . Current RAID Array ID: PC_DATEN2 . Permanent RAID Array ID: PC_DATEN2 < Date Created: 15-OCT-2004 12:29:26.57 < Last Bind: 9-JAN-2006 08:36:14.87 ( RAID Level: 0+1 + Current State: NORMAL  P Characteristic Size: 17764186 Total Capacity: 35508232 P Member Count: 2 Chunk Size: 120 P Pool in Use: 71936 Max Pool Value: 0 P Pages in Use: 0 Max Page Value: 0  5RAID Array Configuration:  aH Member ShadowSet ShadowSet F Index Name State Members State H ----- ------ ----- --------- --------- I 0 _DSA6004: NORMAL 2 SteadyState  _$1$DKB200: s _$1$DKC200: I 1 _DSA6005: NORMAL 2 SteadyState  _$1$DKB300:  _$1$DKC300: a RAID Array Operations:   Member G Index Name Reads Writes Errors G ----- ---- ----- ------ ------ -G 0 _DSA6004: 4676317 2632112 0 G 1 _DSA6005: 4697212 2864744 0  1G Member Total: 9373529 5496856 0 S S  Virtual H Unit Size Status Reads Writes Errors H ------- ------ -------- ----- ------ ------ H DPA0002: 35508232 ACCESS 7854591 4696414 0  -4 Histogram of I/O sizes, Virtual Unit DPA0002:  M Blocks/IO Reads Writes Total M --------- ----- ------ ----- M 1 3566553 1747553 5314106 SM 2 57480 4178 61658 M 4 33534 8209 41743 SM 8 282153 20166 302319 zM 16 1650517 2347538 3998055 M 32 1691768 16283 1708051 M 64 570126 552486 1122612 M 128 108 1 109 M 256 2352 0 2352 M 512 0 0 0 M more than 512 0 0 0  & == RAID SHOW PC_DATEN3 (_DPA3:) ==  KRAID Software for OpenVMS V2.6 Display Time: 23-FEB-2006 13:30:15.23 6PCopyright 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. All Rights Reserved.  RAID Array Parameters:  . Current RAID Array ID: PC_DATEN3 . Permanent RAID Array ID: PC_DATEN3 < Date Created: 15-OCT-2004 12:40:49.00 < Last Bind: 9-JAN-2006 08:36:35.90 ( RAID Level: 0+1 + Current State: NORMAL  P Characteristic Size: 71096168 Total Capacity: 213177952 P Member Count: 3 Chunk Size: 120 P Pool in Use: 71936 Max Pool Value: 0 P Pages in Use: 0 Max Page Value: 0  5RAID Array Configuration:  aH Member ShadowSet ShadowSet F Index Name State Members State H ----- ------ ----- --------- --------- I 0 _DSA6006: NORMAL 2 SteadyState  _$1$DKB400: s _$1$DKC400: I 1 _DSA6007: NORMAL 2 SteadyState  _$1$DKB500:  _$1$DKC500: aI 2 _DSA6008: NORMAL 2 SteadyState  _$1$DKB600:  _$1$DKC600: b RAID Array Operations:  - Member G Index Name Reads Writes Errors LG ----- ---- ----- ------ ------ G 0 _DSA6006: 26119468 9101785 0 G 1 _DSA6007: 26192881 9230446 0 G 2 _DSA6008: 26286221 9075380 0  SG Member Total: 78598570 27407611 0 :   Virtual rH Unit Size Status Reads Writes Errors H ------- ------ -------- ----- ------ ------ H DPA0003: 213177952 ACCESS 61879891 18961074 0  64 Histogram of I/O sizes, Virtual Unit DPA0003:  M Blocks/IO Reads Writes Total M --------- ----- ------ ----- M 1 32900667 6329619 39230286 SM 2 440485 31982 472467 M 4 194162 15882 210044 SM 8 680814 51819 732633 zM 16 2877240 4616424 7493664 M 32 17110556 161605 17272161 M 64 7662196 7753743 15415939 M 128 51 0 51 M 256 13692 0 13692 M 512 0 0 0 M more than 512 28 0 28