
The following document will provide a DCL program to traverse all the message files in SYS$MESSAGE to help translate error code status values to the actual error messages themselves.

The reason for doing this is because neither the $ EXIT %x###### nor the $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$MESSAGE(%x######) techniques actually examine all the message files.


$ sv = 'f$verify(0)'
$ ! This is a command file to translate a hex message number
$ ! to the appropriate message text for any number defined in
$ ! any of the message files in SYS$MESSAGE: directory.  The
$ ! command file requires one parameter.  That parameter is
$ ! the message number.  For example:
$ !
$ !     $ @MESSAGE 1077808A
$ !     message found in SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG]CLIUTLMSG.EXE;1
$ !     %SET-E-NOTSET, error modifying !AS
$ !
$ ! The command file returns the message file in which the
$ ! message was found and the associated text.  The text
$ ! string is standard VMS FAO format as described in the
$ ! system service manual on the $FAO system service.
$ !
$ ! Written by Paul Williams            11-NOV-1987
$ ! and modified a few (several) times since
$ !
$ if p1 .eqs. "" then inquire p1 "Message number (in HEX)"
$ if p1 .eqs. "" then exit 1 + f$verify('sv')
$! The most likely error to be encountered is with the SET MESSAGE command.
$! Those errors can be caused by invalid message files or insufficient
$! access to them. It is best to ignore that and keep trying other message
$! files.
$ set noon                                      ! continue on all errors
$ oldprv = f$setprv("sysprv")                   ! get SYSPRV if possible
$ fl = f$search ("sys$message:sysmgtmsg.exe;")  ! do this file first since it
$ set message 'fl'                              !       is most common for admin
$ msg = f$message (%x'p1')                      ! get message text
$! The existance of "-NOMSG" in the message text means the message wasn't found
$ if f$locate ("-NOMSG,", msg) .eq. f$length (msg) then goto found
$! Keep looking through all message files
$again:                                         ! try next file
$ fl = f$search ("sys$message:*.exe;")          ! use all files availible
$ if fl .eqs. "" then goto nomsg                ! no more files?
$ set message 'fl'                              ! set message file
$ if $status then goto cont                     ! check for error on msg file
$ write sys$output "file with problem is ''fl'" ! tell user which file
$ write sys$output ""                           ! blank line
$ goto again                                    ! continue looking
$ msg = f$message (%x'p1')                      ! get message text
$ if f$locate ("-NOMSG,", msg) .ne. f$length (msg) then goto again
$found:                                         ! message was found
$ write sys$output "message found in ''fl'"     !       tell user where
$ write sys$output msg                          !       and what
$ set proc/priv='oldprv'                        ! restore privileges
$ exit 1 + f$verify('sv')                       ! all done
$nomsg:                                         ! message not found
$ write sys$output "message not found, probably a user or 3d party defined message"
$ goto done                                     ! do normal clean up

Here is a sample execution of the procedure with the passing of the error code status as P1:

%LOGIN-F-INVPWD, invalid password

Also if you do not provide a P1 value:

Message number (in HEX): 00D380FC
%LOGIN-F-INVPWD, invalid password