The following are DEC manual pages that relate to running DECNet on Tru64, Digital Unix, or OSF/1. We'll try to get these online, but for now, you should have them on your system once you install DECnet.
addnode add or change an entry in the MOP client database
ccr Remote console carrier requester
dcat Type the contents of remote files
dcp Copy files between DECnet-Plus nodes
decnet_dns_register Helps you register and manage nodes in the DECdns namespace
decnet_migrate functions to help you manage node directories, objects, softlinks, and access control in the DECdns namespace
dlogin Log on to remote DECnet-Plus nodes
dls List the contents of a remote directory
dnsbrowser Starts the DECdns Browser utility.
dnscp Starts the DECdns control program
drm Delete remote files
dts Evoke the DECnet test sender
ftam2ftpd invokes the FTAM daemon
errors DECnet-Plus for Digital UNIX Secondary Error Messages
ftam_listener invokes an FTAM listener
ftamd invokes an FTAM responder
getnode display one or more entries from the MOP client database
isoapplications used to manage the OSI application entity database
load down-line load software to a target node
ncl Run the Network Control Language program
ncp Run the Network Control Program
nfi Network Functions Interface
nodename Print the local nodename
ocat Concatenate and print data
ocp Copy file data
ologin remote login using the OSI Virtual Terminal protocol
ologind invokes an OSI Virtual Terminal responder
ols list and generate statistics for files
omv move or rename files
orm remove files
ositrace Generate readable trace file
proxytoncl Upgrades the Phase IV proxy file to the DECnet-Plus proxy database
remnode remove one or more entries from the MOP client database
tell Tell remote DECnet node to execute commands
trigger Trigger a target node to request a down-line load
update_mopdb Upgrades the Phase IV MOP database to the new Phase V MOP database
vt_listener invokes a Virtual Terminal listener