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Create a command procedure with the following information:

$! This procedure and displays the report to the user
$! Along with a list of changed parameters
$! If the system has been up 14 days or more, it will save feedback information
$! And use it, otherwise it will use previously saved feedback information.
$ define /user_mode sys$output sys$scratch:params.inf_old
$ mcr sysgen
  use active
  use current
  write sys$scratch:vmssys.parsec
$ call uptime
$ if uptime_days .ge. 14
$    then start = "savparams"
$    else start = "getdata"
$    endif
$ if p1 .nes. "" then start = p1
$ if start .nes. "NONE"
$ then
$       if p2 .eqs. "" then p2 = "setparams"
$       write sys$output "@sys$update:autogen ''start' ''p2' ''p3'"
$       svprv = f$setprv ("sysprv,cmkrnl")
$       @sys$update:autogen 'start' 'p2' 'p3'
$       svprv = f$setprv (svprv)
$ endif
$ define /user_mode sys$output sys$scratch:params.inf_new
$ mcr sysgen
  use current
$ close /nolog in1
$ close /nolog in2
$ close /nolog out
$ open /read in1 sys$scratch:params.inf_new
$ open /read in2 sys$scratch:params.inf_old
$ open /write out sys$scratch:params.inf_dif
$ write out "Parameter name               Old value  New value Difference    Default"
$ read in1 /end=done_diff rec1
$ read in2 rec2
$ if rec1 .eqs. rec2 then goto next_diff
$ if f$extract (2, 9, rec1) .eqs. "Parameter" then goto next_diff
$ rec1 = f$edit (rec1, "trim")
$ pname = f$element (0, " ", rec1)
$ if pname .eqs. "internal" then goto next_diff
$ mode = f$extract (f$length(rec1)-5, 5, rec1)
$ if mode .eqs. "Ascii"
$ then
$       pnew = f$edit (f$element (1, """", rec1), "trim")
$       pnew = f$extract (f$length(pnew), 10, "          " + pnew)
$       pdef = f$edit (f$element (3, """", rec1), "trim")
$       pdef = f$extract (f$length(pdef), 10, "          " + pdef)
$       pold = f$edit (f$element (1, """", rec2), "trim")
$       pold = f$extract (f$length(pold), 10, "          " + pold)
$       write out f$fao ("!24AS !10AS !10AS            !10AS", pname, pold, pnew, pdef)
$ else
$       rec1 = f$edit (rec1, "compress")
$       pnew = f$integer (f$element (1, " ", rec1))
$       pdef = f$interer (f$element (2, " ", rec1))
$       rec2 = f$edit (rec2, "trim,compress")
$       pold = f$integer (f$element (1, " ", rec2))
$       diff = f$fao ("!10SL", f$integer(pnew) - f$integer(pold))
$       write out f$fao ("!24AS !10UL !10UL !AS !10UL", pname, pold, pnew, diff,pdef)
$ endif
$ goto next_diff
$ close in1
$ close in2
$ delete sys$scratch:params.inf_new;*
$ delete sys$scratch:params.inf_old;*
$ close out
$ if start .nes. "NONE" then -
  read sys$command recl/prompt="Press <RETURN> to review reports "
$ type /page=save sys$scratch:params.inf_dif,sys$system:agen$
$ if start .nes. "NONE"
$ then
$       read sys$command recl/prompt="Do you wish to keep these changes [Y]? "
$       if recl .nes. "" .and. .not. recl
$       then
$               mcr sysgen
  use sys$scratch:vmssys.parsec
  write current
$       endif
$ endif
$ delete sys$scratch:params.inf_dif;*,sys$scratch:vmssys.parsec;*
$ exit
$! Support routine
$ subroutine
$! This procedure gets system current uptime from a SHOW SYSTEM command
$! And stores the value in some global symbols.
$ show system /output=uptime.dat
$ open /read /share=read inf uptime.dat
$!OpenVMS V6.2-1H3  on node PARIS   4-FEB-1999 10:11:36:.03  Uptime  10 18:48:48
$ read inf upt
$ close inf
$ delete /nolog uptime.dat;*
$ x = f$locate ("Uptime", upt)
$ upt = f$extract (x+7, 9999, upt)
$ uptime == f$edit (upt, "trim,compress")
$ uptime_days == f$integer (f$element (0, " ", uptime))
$ x = f$element (0, ":", uptime)
$ uptime_hours == uptime_days * 24 + f$integer (f$element (1, " ", x))
$ if p1 .nes. "" then -
write sys$output "''f$getsyi("nodename")' has been up ''uptime'"
$ exit
$ endsubroutine

This is a sample run of the procedure:

@sys$update:autogen savparams setparams
%AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, SAVPARAMS phase is beginning.
%AUTOGEN-I-FEEDBACK, Gathering feedback
      has been created. You may wish to purge this file.
%AUTOGEN-I-END, SAVPARAMS phase has successfully completed.
%AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, GETDATA phase is beginning.
%AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, A new version of SYS$SYSTEM:PARAMS.DAT has been created.
      You may wish to purge this file.
%AUTOGEN-I-END, GETDATA phase has successfully completed.
%AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, GENPARAMS phase is beginning.
%AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, A new version of SYS$MANAGER:VMSIMAGES.DAT has been created.
      You may wish to purge this file.
%AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, A new version of SYS$SYSTEM:SETPARAMS.DAT has been created.
      You may wish to purge this file.
%AUTOGEN-I-END, GENPARAMS phase has successfully completed.
%AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, GENFILES phase is beginning.
Computed size: 25165800;  current size: 1404604
      by 200000 blocks required 11 seconds.  This suggests that
      high-water marking is currently enabled for this volume.  AUTOGEN
      will not extend the file further at this time.
      If your security environment allows you to temporarily disable
      high-water marking, the suggested commands are:
      The system must then be rebooted in order to use the extended file size.
Computed size: 3298481;  current size: 3206816
Computed size: 102000;  current size: 124000
%AUTOGEN-W-REPORT, Warnings were detected by AUTOGEN.  Please review the
      information given in the file SYS$SYSTEM:AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT
%AUTOGEN-I-REPORT, AUTOGEN has produced some informational messages which
      have been stored in the file SYS$SYSTEM:AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT.  You may
      wish to review the information in that file.
%AUTOGEN-I-END, GENFILES phase has successfully completed.
%AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, SETPARAMS phase is beginning.
%AUTOGEN-I-SYSGEN, parameters modified
%AUTOGEN-I-END, SETPARAMS phase has successfully completed.
Press <RETURN> to review reports
Parameter name            Old value  New value Difference    Default
GBLSECTIONS                    1620       1570        -50       1024
MAXPROCESSCNT                   997        797       -200         32
SYSMWCNT                      14918      13516      -1402       8192
NPAGEDYN                   28966912   27525120   -1441792    4194304
NPAGEVIR                  149430272  149422080      -8192   16777216
PAGEDYN                    12722176   11534336   -1187840    4194304
MPW_LOLIMIT                    2985       2385       -600        256
LOCKIDTBL                      3840       3636       -204       3840
RESHASHTBL                     4096      16384      12288         64
LOCKDIRWT                         1          0         -1          0
MSCP_SERVE_ALL                    4          2         -2          4
STARTUP_P2                      PDC        VDC
GH_EXEC_CODE                   4352       4096       -256       4096
GH_RES_CODE                    6570       5376      -1194       5120
GH_RES_DATA                     512        384       -128        512
BALSETCNT                       995        795       -200         30
GBLPAGES                   25579391   25654822      75431     131072
MPW_THRESH                     5970       4770      -1200         16
LGI_BRK_DISUSER                   1          0         -1          0
PQL_DWSDEFAULT                68918      77278       8360      32768
PQL_MWSDEFAULT                68918      77278       8360      16384
PQL_DWSQUOTA                 137836     154556      16720      65536
ACP_QUOCACHE                    997        797       -200         64
ACP_SYSACC                       29         23         -6          8
PIXSCAN                          80         79         -1          1
**End-of-File** | PREV/NEXT=Scroll, INS/REM=Pan, SELECT=80/132, Q=Quit
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parsec_autogen.com_and_a_sample_execution.1571855187.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/23 18:26 by mmacgregor

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