7TAPE, Programming, Fortran routines to manipulate tapesE 1) tapelib.for -- contains some subroutines which explain themselvesE (getting and putting tape blocks, assignment, rewinding, markers)H 2) readnl.for -- reads standard NL tapes and converts them to VAX files+ 3) writenl.for -- the way around of readnl1 4) tapeanal.for -- general purpose tape analysis+ 5) compile.com -- to install the software.GIn all software I assumed that the tapeunit is called mta0: If somebodyHdoesn't like that then solve it by making a logical called mta0: If that5doesn't work then feel free to edit the source files.JIf I receive real weird tape formats (you will be surprised) then the bestHthing to do is to run tapeanal, and add some own fortran to decypher it.GEjo Schrama Contact list (use item 1 as priority first)DDep. of Geodesy 1) gdfgejo@hdetud51.bitnet earn/bitnetDThijsseweg 11 2) gdfgejo@hdetud1.bitnet earn/bitnetDTU Delft 3) schrama@hdetud5.bitnet earn/bitnet@2629 JA Delft 4) tudgv1::schrama surfnet