8NEWSRDR, Networking, NNTP News Reader Client for OpenVMSNEWSRDRINEWSRDR is an NNTP client program for VMS systems running CMU-Tek TCP/IP,KTGV MultiNet, DEC's VMS/ULTRIX Connection, or any TCP/IP package supportinga Berkeley socket interface.HNNTP is the Network News Transfer Protocol, which is used to communicateLUSENET news over TCP/IP. Since many systems cannot afford the disk space toJstore all net news locally, this program can be used to communicate with aHcooperating news server system to read and post net news. News articlesJare fetched on an as-needed basis and are stored on the client system onlywhile they are being read.INEWSRDR is not a port of UNIX-based news readers. It is written strictlyGfor VMS and provides an interface that VMS users should find reasonablyLcomfortable. Most of the commands in NEWSRDR should be familiar to VMS MAILusers.ENEWSRDR is written entirely in C. NEWSRDR can be used with any TCP/IPFpackage that supports a Berkeley socket library interface, or with anyCpackage supported by the provided NETLIB network interface library.KNEWSRDR requires VAX/VMS V5.0 or later, or OpenVMS Alpha AXP V1.0 or later.