HREGEDIT, Utilities, A program to look at or modify the registry databaseFRegedit is a program to look at or modify the registryserver database.JIt is a full screen (SMG) program and looks like the (MS-)Windows regedit.AIf you use the DecWindows environment, you can use mouse-clicks, %otherwise you must use keyboard-keys.;Because the registry-server exists only on alpha and IA64, there is no VAX version.Usage: Run regedit6Once in the program you can use PF2/HELP for help infoKF10 or ^z will return you to DCL. If you have a Decwindows/VXT display, you7can use the mouse, otherwise you must use the keyboard.BuildingJThe Alpha and IA64 executables are in the kit, but if you want to rebuild <REGEDIT, go to the regedit directory and use @create_regedit Contents:(Ths package contains the following filesIn the home directory! REGEDIT_ALPHA.EXE The executable REGEDIT_IA64.EXE The executable4 CREATE_REGEDIT.COM The command file to compile/link! FREEWARE_README.TXT This fileIn the [.SRC] directory REGEDIT.FOR The Fortran source REGEDIT.INC The include fileIn the [.ALPHA] directory REGEDIT.OBJ The Alpha objectIn the [.IA64] directory REGEDIT.OBJ The IA64 object;There is no VAX equivalent, since the registry server only runs on Alpha and IA64. Instructions:Unpack the save set.If you want to rebuild: If you have a fortran compiler @CREATE_REGEDIT Else to link only @CREATE_REGEDIT LINK;On is a link to the most recent version.Author : Fekko Stubbe&Email :