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Moving from Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) to CentOS or Oracle Enterprise Linux

This page is dedicated to providing migration information for folks who have decided to move away from Red Hat and over to another Linux distribution. First of all, you might want to know that this is a common sentiment mainly due to choices made by Red Hat themselves.

I will use the terminology RHEL and OEL a lot. Those are short for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Oracle Enterprise Linux.

Reasons to Migrate

These are the leading reasons why you might want to make a move away from Red Hat which have to do with Red Hat themselves.

  1. Red Hat requires every install have a subscription no matter what it's used for (dev, test, UAT, doesn't matter)
  2. Red Hat charges too much money for support. They will charge you $300 for a subscription to Red Hat and can't even call their support at that level. You just get “maybe we will respond if it's convenient” email support from their offshore teams. It's not worth $30 much less $300 and customers feel squeezed.
  3. Many of the useful and interesting features such as clustering, glusterfs, and virtualization have been broken into separate and expensive layered products. This defeats some of the reason to run Linux in the first place, turning it into an expensive walled garden.
  4. Red Hat's kernel patches require a reboot. Oracle Linux with ksplice doesn't have this issue (but it's a for profit feature in OEL, just FYI).
  5. Red Hat began the move to Lennart Pottering's Systemd init replacement. For some, that move has been a painful disaster that has made administration more difficult and application management more problematic. For many, the move was unacceptable.
  6. Some customers dislike Red Hat's update schedule, considering it to be overly frequent and aggressive.
  7. Patches and even trivial packages aren't available unless your subscription is up to date. If not, you have a partially broken system.
  8. Red Hat sales people tend to aggressively threaten and browbeat their customers rather than working with them on balancing entitlements.
  9. Red Hat training is very dubious and scammy. They make up tests with “gotcha” questions that you'll only learn if you take their $2500 - $3000 dollar classes, but those factoids are only to keep knowledgeable sysadmins from passing their $250 test without paying the trollbridge fee for the classes.
  10. Red Hat has been bought by IBM who has begun the process of strip mining the company and moving everything they can offshore. Quality is dropping.
  11. Red Hat has a history of making poor technical choices. Example: they eschewed XFS and badmouthed it for years refusing to support it, then started using it as the default in RHEL7 enigmatically. Now they cheerlead for it.
  12. RHEL follows Fedora and bad decisions in Fedora (of which therea are MANY) filter into RHEL eventually. The history of this happening in the past has definitely put some customers off and made them gunshy about upgrades.
  13. Red Hat isn't excited about BTRFS because the main developer works at Oracle. This could lead to more stagnation with Red Hat's already stagnant choices for filesystems. It's missing inline compression and deduplication without either BTRFS, ZFS-on-Linux, or ReiserFS v4.x.

These are the reasons folks usually migrate when they are facing internal struggles.

  1. It becomes too expensive to keep dev/test/UAT/training machines licensed with a subscription.
  2. The sysadmin gets tired of being cut off from OS packages and patches every time entitlements expire.
  3. Sysadmin frustration with the licensing portal or “Red Hat Satellite” package caches which are simply there for to prevent Red Hat being able to cut you off from your package repository any time they please. They still don't prevent Red Hat cutting you off from updates.
  4. The management gets tired of some of Red Hat's rude salespeople or their aggressive tactics & threats.
  5. The customer needs clustering, ksplice, storage or OS virtualization, containerization or other features Red Hat can't provide, does poorly, or overcharges for.

Deciding on a Migration Target

The main way to decide on a migration target is to consider the reason why you want to ditch Red Hat. If you plan to keep Red Hat's tools and structure but you are just tired of paying so much, then CentOS and Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) would both solve your problems.

If you are completely tired of Red Hat (and as an RHCE I totally understand) and want to run away screaming to another Linux distribution that offers your more for less and doesn't follow Fedora like a lemming, then I'd suggest trying a Debian or Devuan based Linux distribution. These are more significantly different from Red Hat's ways of doing things. Folks just sick of Red Hat's methods and mentality can jump ship to any number of distros and be happy. If you want to abandon Linux completely, then perhaps consider one of the BSD distributions such as FreeBSD.

Check out the features below which are the ones our customers cite the most as being in play when considering a Red Hat migration.

Feature Red Hat Enterprise Linux CentOS Oracle Enterprise Linux Debian and Devuan FreeBSD
Package Access Only for subscribers Free Free Free Free
Patch Access Only for subscribers Free Free Free Free
Virtualization Basic support in RHEL, best features in RHEV which costs big $$$ Basic Features Basic Features Better Basic Features Basic Features
Reboot-Free Updates (ksplice) No No Yes for $$$ No No
Advanced Filesystems Unstable BTRFS preview in RHEL7. Nothing in RHEL8. Same as RHEL Same as RHEL BTRFS and ZFS-on-Linux Full ZFS
Package Cache Hassle Yes, such as Red Hat Satellite or Spacewalk No No No No
Clustering Support Needs “High Availability” layered product for $$$ Basic Pushes you to Oracle RAC / Clusterware Basic Basic
moving_from_rhel_to_centos_or_oracle_linux.1590167416.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/22 17:10 by sgriggs

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